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- 6/1/2013 -
New Craftsman Mower (New to me, but it is kinda old)
My dad and I went and picked up J. Joseph McConnerHaagen's old Craftsman lawn tractor.
We spent about 20 minutes in the driveway on Anderson trying to jump start it, but the battery was too dead.
Back at the LakeView Ranchito and Orchard I put her on a battery charger, and walked away for a couple hours.
With a small amount of Berryman's B12, and a splash of gas down the carburetor she fired right up, and kept running.
I mowed the yard in half the time it used to take, and cleaned up the titty dirt track.
I shut it down, but the next time I tried to start 'er up the Bendix Gear failed.
I got a new Bendix Pinion Gear from tractor supply, and should have it installed before the next weekend (6/8/2013)

-- I love my new mower!! 'Still need to give her name.

- 6/4/2013 -
Riding the titty track
Dustin brought his Honda 100R out to the LakeView Ranchito and Orchard.
I rode around titty faster than I ever have before, and got a little better at motorcycle riding.
The Honda 100R is just the right size my track... Not too small for me, and not too big for the nipple turn.
Jon and Tommy immediately picked up the whole foot shifting / hand clutching motorcycle riding stuff.

-- Tommy didn't wreck the bike, and no one got hurt. :)

- 6/7/2013 -
Arrival in Austin, TX
Conner Jon and I arrived in Austin, TX just before midnight.
We wandered up and down 6th street, and were offered contraband several times.
Afterwards, we walked over to the Texas Capitol Building took a few photos, and then back down congress to our downtown hotel.

-- Jackalope, Flaming Dr.Pepper, Good Pizza, and the tallest Capitol building in America.

- 6/8/2013 -
Shooting Silenced Weapons
Conner Jon and I went down to Austin, TX and hung out at Taylor "cornbread" B's house.
Jon and I shot a silenced military issue Remington 700 chambered in .308 with a BIG scope.
Taylor's arsenal is rather extensive, some are full auto, and mostly silenced.
Later that night we wandered the neighborhood around 6th street in Austin.

-- Electronic Kaoss, VeeDub fun, and insane weaponry.

- 6/9/2013 -
Last of the Austin trip
Conner Jon and I went to the Oasis, we walked to the Seismic Wall, and up Mount Bonner.
Saw some badass climbing, ate some good food, and saw some great views.

-- Fun trip... Luckily no one called the BatFone.

- 6/15 & 6/16/2013 -
Beach trip 2013
Got peaches back, and drove down to the Galveston area with Locrazo. Took the ferry to the same cabin we've had the last few years.
We caught quite a few fish and the crab traps were full. There weren't any waves, but I had fun exploring a shipwreck in my kayak.

-- Salt, Water, Sand, and Fun with my Family.

- 6/21 - 6/24/2013 -
PJ & Lindsay's Wedding
I drove up to Kansas to celebrate PJ and Lindsay's wedding. Peaches did well on the long trip.
First I explored Wichita, next Topeka, and finally Wakarusa. The flint hills of norhtern Kansas are nice.

-- Fun times with old friends.

- 6/29 - 30/2013 -
Small Engine Funzin'
This weekend I repaired the starter motor on my large Riding Mower
I also finished repairing Lorin's WaveRunner (Yamaha GP1200)
And, I bought a Dirt Bike (Honda XL125s)
I've wanted a dirt bike my whole life

-- I love my new bike :)